All Opportunities

Below you will find all of the scholarship opportunities offered by the Community Foundation for Monterey County. You may search by keyword, or click on “Show Filters” above to search on different criteria. To apply, click on “Sign Up” at the top right of the screen to begin a general application.
Attention: current high school seniors, please note – do not use your high school email as most are deactivated after the school year ends. For our team to communicate with you throughout June, we will need you to input an email that you will be able to access after your senior year.

Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
Up to $4,000 College Futures Monterey County Scholarship
Scholarships is open to all graduating seniors at the following high...
Up to $5,000 Taylor Farms SoCal Award Program Fund
The Taylor Farms SoCal Scholarship Program was created to provide...
$3,000.00 EWJ Hitchcock Memorial Scholarship Fund
The EWJ Hitchcock Memorial Scholarship Fund was created in 2025 to...
$1,000 -$2,000 Judge Efren and Lite Iglesia Scholarship Fund: In Memory of Roger and Pat Freet
Scholarship is open to: 1. Reedley High School students 2. Reedley...
$2,500 Ipson Tully Memorial Scholarship
The Ipson Tully Memorial Scholarship Scholarship provides support for...
$2,500 The Larry Horan – Jim Langley Scholarship and Jack Van Zander Cal Alumni Memorial Scholarship Fund
In 2014, the Cal Alumni Club of Monterey County established the Larry...
Up to $10,000 Joel and Dena Gambord Nursing Scholarship
The goal of this scholarship is to attract and support high caliber...
$1,000/year, Renewable for 4 years Alan and Rita Shugart Scholarship
This scholarship has been established to provide financial assistance to...
$1,000-$2,500 American Culinary Federation Monterey Bay Chapter Marc H. Vedrines Scholarship
The scholarship recipient(s) will be chosen based on the following...
3 awards up to $5,000 Anthony Nicholas Narigi Memorial Baseball Scholarship Fund
The Anthony Nicholas Narigi Memorial Baseball Endowment was established...
Varies Ausonio Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
The scholarship recipient(s) will be chosen based on: 1. The...
$1,000 Bill Clapper Memorial Music Scholarship
The scholarship was established in August 2000 with a major gift from...
$1,500.00 Bird Educational Scholarship Fund
Scholarship or Award Criteria Award size: $1,500/award Criteria: 1. The...
$1,000.00 Boewe Bui Scholarship Fund
1. The scholarship recipient(s) should be chosen based on the...
$2,000 Brigadier General John Bissell Scholarship
The Brigadier General John Bissell Scholarship was established by the...
$5,000 California Rodeo Salinas Scholarship
The California Rodeo Salinas is passionate about supporting youth...
$2,500 Carmel High School Class of 1952 Scholarship
Established by the Carmel High School Class of 1952 to honor one student...
$0.00 Carmel Stone Imports Scholarship Fund
The scholarship was created for the children of Carmel Stone Import...
$500-$3,000 Carmel Valley Women's Club Foundation Scholarship
This scholarship has been established to provide financial assistance to...
Up to $3,000 CASA of Monterey County Scholarship Fund
The CASA of Monterey County Scholarship Fund will award students who...
Varies Caste Action Alliance Scholarship Fund
Scholarship or Award Criteria: The scholarship recipient(s) should...
3 awards of $800 Charles Joseph Watts Scholarship Fund
The Charles Joseph Watts Scholarship of the Community Foundation for...
$1,000 CHISPA Scholarship
Applicants are eligible if they or their parents currently live in a...
Up to $2,500 Church Brothers - True Leaf Farms Scholarship
The Church Brothers – True Leaf Farms Scholarship has been established...
Up to $2,500 Club at Pasadera Scholarship Fund
The Club at Pasadera Scholarship Fund has been established to provide...
$1,500-$4,000 County of Monterey Scholarship Program Fund
Amounts: up to $1,500 for community college and vocational education...
Up to $5,000 Daphne and Stuart Wells Public Service Scholarship
The scholarship recipient(s) will be chosen based on the...
$1,250 David L. Ferguson Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the late Mrs. Vada Bissell in honor...
1 awards of $1,000 Dr. Gladys M. Olvis Scholarship
This fund has been established to provide scholarships for higher...
$500 Dr. Roger and Kate Bartels Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to...
Up to $6,500 renewable for a second year Drezner Family Scholarship
The Drezner Family Scholarship Fund supports students at Monterey...
Varies Emerging Leaders of Society of United Way Monterey County
Emerging Leaders Society of United Way Monterey County Scholarship Fund...
2 awards of $4,000 FW Family Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Criteria: 1.The scholarship recipient(s) should be chosen...
$1,000 for community college, $2,000 for four-year college/university Girls' Health in Girls' Hands Scholarship
The Women’s Fund of the Community Foundation for Monterey County...
varies Gruit Memorial International Student College Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Overview: The Gruit Memorial International Student College...
$2,000/year, Renewable for 4 years Hausdorf Family Scholarship
The purpose of this scholarship is to provide higher education funding...
$5,000 Henry Hibino Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Henry Hibino Memorial Scholarship Fund was created in 2019 to...
$2,000 Horace H. Wilson Scholarship
The Horace Wilson Scholarship was established in December 2000 with a...
$2,500 Hugo and Dolores Tottino Family Scholarship
This scholarship was established to provide scholarships for higher...
$4,000 Jess Harrison Family Scholarship
This scholarship was established to support students graduating from...
$500 John S. Myszak Scholarship for Future Teachers
The John S. Myszak Scholarship for Future Teachers was created in 2004...
$600 Kristopher Pallastrini Memorial Scholarship
Kristopher Pallastrini Memorial Scholarship was established by an...
$2,500.00 Legacy of Learning Jaroslav "Jerry" Stepanek Memorial Scholarship
In honor of our beloved friend Jerry Stepanek, we have created The...
$3,500 Libby Olver Scholarship
This scholarship provides need-based awards for female sophomore...
$1,250/year for to 4 years Megan Reis Imagine Scholarship Fund
1. The scholarship recipient(s) should be chosen based on the...
12,000 Michael Anthony Willemsen Public Service Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Guidelines: - Amount: Up $12,000/year - Renewable up to 4...
One $1,500 award to a student attending a high school in Salinas; one $1,500 award to a student from the state of Missouri (MO) or Kansas (KS). Monica Abbott Scholarship
The Monica Abbott Scholarship was established by professional softball...
Varies Morse Foundation Scholarship
The Morse Foundation has been established to provide scholarships for...
$1,000 - $5,000 Raymond H. Costa Family Scholarship
The Raymond H. Costa Family Scholarship has been established to provide...
1 award of $4,000 1 award of $1,000 Reg Huston/ S.T.A.R. Scholarship for Performing Arts
This Fund has been established to provide financial assistance to...