Judge Efren and Lite Iglesia Scholarship Fund: In Memory of Roger and Pat Freet

Scholarship is open to:
1. Reedley High School students
2. Reedley College students
3. Monterey County youth within the Filipino community

Scholarship Criteria:
1. Documented financial need
2. Intention to pursue a post-secondary education
3. Academic achievement: 3.0 GPA
4. Participation in extra-curricular activities activities involving service to others or the community at large.
5. Demonstrated good character- 2 letters of recommendation describing the applicant’s positive qualities, including their interpersonal skills, work ethic, and character

A. Reedley High School:

  • One $2,000 scholarship for a graduating student
  • One $1,000 scholarship for a graduating student

B. Reedley College:

  • One $2,000 scholarship for a graduating student
  • One $1,000 scholarship for a graduating student

C. For Monterey County Youth:

  • Three scholarships of $1,000 each for graduating high school seniors.

Judge Efren and Lite Iglesia Scholarship Fund: In Memory of Roger and Pat Freet
$1,000 -$2,000
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please list your extra-curricular activities involving service to others or the community as large.
  2. Please upload two letters of recommendation describing your positive qualities, including interpersonal skills, work ethic, and good character. Recommenders can be teacher, coaches, leaders of the community. (No friends or family members).
    • Letter of Recommendation #1
    • Letter of Recommendation #2
  3. Which Filipino-America Organizations in Monterey County are you parents or yourself part of?